Dear Erika and Marco,
The big day is finally coming up. After two postponements, you’re finally getting the wedding you wanted, and it will absolutely be worth the wait. Many things will continue to go wrong, but it will somehow all work out in the end. Your photographer will cancel on you three months before, but it will lead you to hiring Themas, which is arguably one of the best things you do. He will completely understand the candid happy moments you want to capture, and will befriend you both in a way that makes you feel less anxious and camera shy. Never give up on your vision for this wedding. No matter how frustrated you get with things going wrong, preserve and it will all come together in the end. Santorini is just as beautiful as the last time you were there together, and I promise the views will still take your breath away. Erika will be an emotional disaster leading up to the day, but Marco will keep her calm as always. Definitely remember to bring the tiny shots of whisky, because you’ll both want them before the ceremony or the thought of everyone staring at you will be too overwhelming. The day will not go flawlessly, but it will be perfect nonetheless. You will have the time of your life. You will feel like you could actually burst with happiness. Don’t bother practicing demure smiles; you’re going to look insanely happy in every photo. It’s real and captures that crazy in love feeling you had all day. Months later, you will look back at photos and be unable to stop smiling. You did it. It will be the party of the year and people will talk about how much fun they had most times they see you afterwards. All you need to remember is that all these people love both immensely. Don’t stress and enjoy every little moment.
Your future, happier, married selves